Preparation for a High Performing Workday

In the realm of remote work, preparation is not just a precursor to success; it’s the foundation upon which high-performing workdays are built. As we navigate the blurred lines between our professional and personal lives, it becomes crucial to deliberately craft an environment and routine that fosters productivity and balance.

  1. Prepping Your Environment: A Space for Success

Creating a dedicated workspace is the first step in delineating your professional zone. This space should be distinct from your personal zones – a sanctuary for focus and efficiency. It’s not just about physical separation; it’s about cultivating an environment that signals to your brain, “It’s time to work.” This clear demarcation aids in striking a healthy balance between work and life.

  1. Limiting Distractions: Crafting a Zone of Focus

The siren calls of cell phone notifications, the lure of the TV, or the endearing interruptions by family or pets can easily derail a workday. It’s imperative to set boundaries. Turning off non-essential notifications and communicating your work hours to those around you can significantly enhance your ability to concentrate.

  1. Creating a Schedule: Your Blueprint for the Day

A well-thought-out schedule is a roadmap for productivity. Ideally, this should be done the day before. Be aware of your meetings, deadlines, and allocate time for task preparation. This foresight not only ensures you’re well-prepared but also helps in prioritizing tasks effectively.

  1. Setting Your Purpose: Identifying Your ‘Big Rocks’

What are the three main things you aim to achieve today? These ‘Big Rocks’ should take precedence. Amidst the flurry of daily tasks, it’s easy to let significant projects slip through. Identifying these priorities at the start of your day ensures they receive the attention they deserve.

  1. Embracing Focus: Time to Get to Work

With your workspace set and your day planned, the final step is to dive in. Focus is where preparation meets action. It’s where projects move from to-do to done. Embrace this time of concentrated work and relish the satisfaction of a job well done.


As you wrap up today, take a moment to ponder, “What are two things I can do to prepare for my day tomorrow?” This could be as simple as organizing your desk or as significant as outlining a project’s next steps. Remember, preparation is a continuous process – one that starts today for a more productive tomorrow.