Navigating Expectations in the World of Remote Work

In every facet of life, expectations shape our actions, interactions, and perceptions. In the realm of remote work, where the lines between professional and personal life often blur, understanding and managing expectations becomes crucial. Whether explicit or implicit, positive or negative, expectations are omnipresent, influencing outcomes and relationships significantly.

The Dual Nature of Expectations

Expectations can serve as a double-edged sword. On one hand, they provide clarity, direction, and motivation, setting a framework within which we can operate efficiently and effectively. On the other, unspoken or unrealistic expectations can lead to misunderstandings, disappointments, and strain in professional relationships.

The Key to Clarity: Communication

The cornerstone of managing expectations lies in clear, open communication. It’s essential to articulate expectations, perhaps even formalize them in writing, to ensure all parties are aligned. This clarity is particularly vital in remote work settings, where physical cues and informal conversations are absent.

Setting Expectations in Remote Work

For remote employees and their employers, establishing clear expectations is a foundational step toward a successful working relationship. Consider the following:

  • Work Hours: Are there specific hours you are expected to be online and available?
  • Meeting Attendance: Which meetings are mandatory, and what is the protocol regarding attendance and participation?
  • Camera Use: Is there a policy on having your camera on during video calls?
  • Work Location: Are there any restrictions or guidelines on where you can work from? Is working from a coffee shop acceptable, or are you expected to work from a designated home office?

Metrics and KPIs

Understanding what benchmarks your company uses to measure your effectiveness not only aligns your efforts with organizational goals but also provides a clear roadmap for your contributions. It’s essential to have a candid conversation with your leader about what is expected of you on a weekly or monthly basis. Are there specific targets to hit, projects to complete, or quality standards to uphold? These metrics serve as tangible manifestations of expectations, turning abstract objectives into concrete goals. Ensuring that you and your manager are on the same page regarding these KPIs can prevent misunderstandings and set the stage for consistent achievement and recognition of your hard work.

Understanding Boundaries

While some expectations may seem trivial, discrepancies between an employee’s and a manager’s expectations can lead to significant issues. It’s important to remember that what might be obvious to one party may not be so clear to the other.

Be Proactive

To navigate the world of remote work successfully, being proactive about understanding and clarifying expectations is key. Regular check-ins with your manager or team can help ensure everyone is on the same page and prevent potential conflicts.


Is there an area in you work where you feel there is an expectation that is unknown?  Who can you talk to about this?  It is better to have these hard conversations and get the information out in the open than to let it sit quietly and fester.  Make the choice to communicate directly and effectively.